I wish I could live my life over again and live in Florida. The weather is the reason. When I was very little, less than 5 years old, I guess my mom or dad or both took me for a walk in the winter cold weather. I do not remember it but they told me that I was crying and holding my ears. Maybe that was the start of not being a fan of winter.
I do think there is something to be said for seasons. Sometimes, in Missouri, we did not have the good change from one season to the next. But when you did have a change from Summer to Autumn (Fall) and then Winter it was nice. Spring and Autumn are nice in Missouri when you have them.
In Florida you have a cool Summer and a hot Summer. Or it might be a Summer and an Autumn. But in the "Autumn" here you don't have the the trees lose their leaves. In fact you have flowers and green plants all year.
I can remember as a kid waking up and not wanting to get out of bed because the house was cold. I can remember standing on the floor heat vent to get dressed and standing over it to watch TV. The winter time was no fun. Working in winter weather is not fun.
I wonder what it would be like to have been born and grow up in Flordia?
I enjoy walking to work here. I do not mind standing outside and waiting for the boss to show up and unlock the door. They may think I have mental retardation. I enjoy the feel of the wind and the sounds of the birds. It is just a joy to be out and enjoy the weather.
When it is winter up North and I see the winter storms on TV it makes me feel so good.
Maybe in my next life I will be re-born in Flordia.