I never heard of Bill Cunningham until today. He is a right wing Republican radio talk show host.
Now in the video above he attacks "Barack Hussein Obama" over and over again. Even John McCain repudiated Bill Cunningham.
But I watched the above video and sure Bill Cunningham is being an ass but he was attacking someone that he does not like. Now I would never say anything like that about John McCain but if I were up there talking about President Bush you would all think that Bill Cunningham was a pussy. Because I would be ten time harder on President Bush.
So I was going to say no big deal ...who cares what Bill Cunningham has to say.. I never heard of the guy.
But then Bill Cunningham goes on Fox "news" and calls Barack Hussein Obama a "Manchurian candidate" and no one says one word about that. Sean Hannity called Bill Cunningham his "good friend" and I felt for a bit like the two might fucking kiss. But Sean Hannity should have stopped Bill Cunningham right on the spot and asked him what did you just called Senator Obama?
"The Manchurian Candidate" was a 1962 movie about a former Korean War POW that is brainwashed by the Communist and is sent back to the United States and is a political assassin.
Even Fox "news" should not allow a statement to be made like that. Bill Cunningham should have been made to say he was sorry for making that statement and hell if I were the host of the show, even if I were a Republican, I would have kicked him off the show.
That statement is the worst thing that anyone has said about anyone in politics.
I can not believe that the show did not come to a stop right at that point and Bill Cunningham torn into for a statement like that..yes even on Fox "news."
The only reason I can think that Bill Cunningham got away with making that statement is that Fox "news" hosts do not watch movies. I think Fox owns some movies channels and movies.
What the fuck? I think Bill Cunningham would be off the air. Not just as a guest on Fox "news" but off the air.