“Are these swimsuits really that tight? I honestly could care less about any type of competitive advantage that suits could provide, I am deciding whether I should allow my children to watch the Olympic games. If I am correct about what this is showing, shouldn't there be a point where tight equals too tight?” Yahoo Answers
“Academic: You really didn't answer my question and I don't understand much about your answer. Honestly, I don't care a lick about the performance of the suits. It seriously looks like you can take Phelps' pulse by simply looking at that swim suit. Why don't they swim shaved and naked with a little bit of appropriately placed duct tape? I would never permit my son to wear that in public. I have worn compression type clothing in the past for sports, it was never necessary that people could take measurements based on the clothing I was wearing.
2 months ago
RWD: You make some valid points. However, how can you state that there is an illusion of nudity in that swim suit? Harsh lighting or not, I can see the man's penis, plain and simple. In the photo of one of the women, the outline of her vagina is clear and quite distinct. Why should I as a casual observer of Olympic sports need to relax? Am I not the target audience for the Olympic games? Should I not have an expectation to not view the athletes genitals when I watch an event? How much is too much?
2 months ago
the_divine_mrs_m: My children know the basics of human genitalia. Regardless of their knowledge level why should I, or any parent, be forced into a situation where I am required to explain that to them any earlier than necessary because I am watching a sporting event? Are you saying that I am a villain because I want to preserve their innocence as opposed to a swimmer shaving a fraction of a second off their time to set a world record using technology that was not available to the person who set the record previously?”
I was doing a search on the Internet for more information and statements on the subject of the new swimsuits and I found this video of the old suits.
What is very funny and very odd is that many of these guys back in the 40’s, 40’s and 60’s would NOT have had on a swimsuit.
In the United States back years ago at many pools young men had to swim nude. As hard as it is for us to believe today that is the way it was done back in days before filters and pool equipment was high tech.
We are talking about school and places like the Young Men’s Christian Association.
I think everyone in the United States is crazy or on drugs.