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Monday, November 24, 2008



I went to Haulover beach about 3 years ago. The beach south of the very last parking lot in the park is designated as clothing optionhal. The last parking lot is very small with few parking spaces. If you are not there as soon as the park opens, you will have to park at one of parking lots north of the last one. These parking lots are about 2 miles or more apart. We dropped our stuff, my boyfriend went to the beach and luckily there was a spot available at the next parking lot which was 2 miles away. I took a nice 2 mile run to get back to my bofriend. We were able to get a ride to the car after we were done. Law enforcement drove by on their 4 wheelers occasionally but did not bother anyone. It was not overcrowded, obviously, because no one wants to walk 2 miles or more to get there.


I think you went to the wrong end! The NORTH end of Haulover is the nude beach and has a large parking area across the road ($6 to park).


I think you went to the wrong end of the beach! The north end is marked off as the nude beach and has a large parking area just across the road.

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