I am so tired of all the stories on Michael Jackson. If the media was reporting news it would be different…but they are just talking..and they have little information.
I guess I was wrong on Gov. Sanford. I said he would be out of office in 48 hours and he is still there.
I put Fox “news” back in my channel line up when the Gov. Sanford story came out. I wanted to see how they would report it.
I am putting on weight and feeling bad again.. I feel so much better when I do not eat. I had some Coke for the last couple of days…I will try and hold off buying any…but it taste so good with food.
My left foot has not been swollen in weeks but it is swollen up again.. food..salt..make it swell up.
The new WordPress is real nice. If you are thinking of setting up a blog and you do not want to pay for TypePad then use WordPress.
I feel so good when I lay down and go to bed and I feel so bad when I first wake up. I guess I will go to bed…0130 is early for me.