I was talking to my ex-wife on the telephone. She said she was going to start doing oil paintings again. She is very good and she does them very fast.
That got me to remembering a long long time ago when we were married she was doing a lot of art work and oil paintings and I told her do a nude of me. She did a fully nude painting of me.
We had her art work on the walls of our house and we hung (no pun ment) that one on the wall. Soon as we got it hung on the wall a group came to the door and it was the local church group paying us a visit so I ran to the other room and took the painting down. We put it in the closet.
I forget how long it was..but time when by and she said she wanted to paint some but she was out of canvas. She said she just felt like painting and could pain on an old painting. I looked and then I found the old painting of me. I got it out for her and she said what should I do with it. I said make my penis just a little bigger…not much..just a little bigger…
So she made a minor adjustment to that part of my body…
Hay, I liked it.. So I put it back on the wall and made a little prayer that the church group would not visit us again.
Well her mother came over just about every day and her mother came over and saw the painting and made some comment about the size of my penis being bigger than real life! How did you know?
Then one day my mother came over and she saw the painting and laughed and commented about the size of my penis! I think the last time she saw me nude was when she giving me baths when I was little.
I decided that the place for that painting was in the closet because I was not getting any respect. Smile
A few year later my wife worked on that painting again.. She made some changes to the background and I just got the feeling from the changes she made to the painting that she did not like me. Soon after that she told me that she did not love me and had never loved me and that she wanted a divorce.
I have no idea where that painting is today. My guess is that she painted over the painting or toss it out in the trash.