“Walter Cronkite, the CBS anchorman known as both "Uncle Walter" for his easygoing, measured delivery and "the most trusted man in America" for his rectitude and gravitas, has died. Cronkite was 92 years old. At the height of his influence, Cronkite's judgment was believed to be so important it could affect even presidents.developing story …” CNN
Sad day but 92 years of age is a long life. I am one of the Americans that was watching Walter Cronkite live when he give the news that JFK was dead. That is a moment in time that I will never forget.
I was 22 years old at the time. That day I had been listening to WRUL radio, “Radio New York Worldwide” on shortwave radio. I did a weekly radio program for them but I my program was not on at the time. They broken in to the program at the time and said they had news and said that “shots had been fired at President Kennedy’s motorcade in Dallas.” I did not even know he was in Dallas. I turned on the TV and started watch KCMO TV and Walter Cronkite. I saw the above video live at the time.
The father Huber mentioned in the broadcast I knew. He had been my pastor at St. Vincent’s Church in Kansas City.
Walter Cronkite dead at 92. Walter Cronkite was an amateur radio operator (KB2GSD) and so is a “Silent Key.”