A couple of weeks ago I signed up for the My Coke Rewards program. The caps of Coke have a code inside the cap. The ten pack boxes have a code on the inside of the box. You enter the codes and with a lot of codes at some point you can get things.
Well I put a couple of codes in and now I can not read the code inside the bottle caps. I need to have my eyes checked our start buying the Coke in cans. Smile
How about helping me out. If you are not using the codes yourself … How about sending me a few when you have a bottle of Coke or empty on of those ten pack boxes.
Send the code to: [email protected] or [email protected]
I am not sure how long they have been doing this thing but I drink a lot of Coke. I would not mind getting a free hat or t-shirt. OH.. a Coke glass would be the best. NO a big Coke mug would be the best thing. Smile