"February 25, 2010 6:48 pm ET by Solange Uwimana
Never one to miss an opportunity to attack President Obama, the first lady, or health care reform on his radio show (not necessarily in that order), Rush Limbaugh managed to hit all three in the span of a few seconds today while mocking Obama's health care summit. Limbaugh, referring to Obama's anecdote about having to rush his daughters to the emergency room, stated:
LIMBAUGH: Any person in America, from the richest guy in the country to the cheapest, poorest illegal immigrant can do exactly the same thing Obama just described and that's go to the emergency room. And Tom Coburn made that point. Everybody gets treated in this country. That's not what we're here talking about. We're talking about fraud, waste -- we just need to get it out of there.
Now, why, since Obama just described this wonderful system where his two daughters -- two fat daughters, according to his wife -- his two fat daughters came down with some sort of a disease and had to rush them to the emergency room, why design a system that destroys the very best private health care that he says he's so thankful for?…"
The above is from MediaMatters for America and they say that Michelle Obama never called her daughters fat.
What I would add is how in the hell can a fat pig like Rush Limbaugh call anyone fat?
The other thing that I want to add is that this show just how fucking stupid Rush Limbaugh is and how he lies to his listeners.
I think he knows the truth and I think you even understand it .. But let me try and lay it out to with a made up example…
OK you work for a company that has health insurance and you pay $150.00 a month for the health insurance and the company pays $200.00 a month for you. OK you have a family doctor and lots of little things get seen in his office and you can call his office if you a question or need something simple.
OK stick with me here.. You have something happen that you have to go to the emergency room at the hospital. What do you find when you get to the ER? It is full. All the carts are full of patients. You are going to have to wait hours in the waiting room to be seen (unless you have a real emergency). The ER and the halls and the waiting rooms are filled with people that want to be seen in the ER and this is important because they do NOT have health care insurance…They are not seeing a family doctor. They do not have a family doctor. They can not call a doctor's office and ask a simple question. The only way they can get health care is to go the the EMERGENCY room of a HOSPITAL.
OK hang in here a bit with me… Now the reason are system is fucked is because the people have no access to health care so they go to the ER. NOW.. it cost a lot to be seen in an ER.
Now so they see you in the ER and treat you and tell you to follow up with your family doctor and you do. The other people, who do not have a family doctor, will be told the same thing but most of them will end up coming back to the ER. Some the next day and some the next week.
Now the hospital bills your insurance company for $900.00 because you were seen in the ER. Since you were not admitted to the hospital you have to pay $100.00 on the bill.
Now all those other people get billed, the ones with no insurance, and of course they can not pay.
So who is paying for them.. YOU ARE.. YOU ARE.. That is why your bill was $900.00 and not $400.00 and that is why you are paying $100.00 of the bill and not $25.00 of the bill.
If we had national health care… When you went to the ER there would not be a wait to be seen for hours and hours. I have gone to work and seen people waiting to be seen in the ER and I have worked my 8 hour shift and gone home and those people are still waiting to be seen.
I have be on duty in the ER and seen a patient come into the ER to be seen and wait hours and hours and say "FUCK THIS PLACE" and say they were going to another hospital and leave and come back hours later and say "I am sorry. The other hospital had a wait for hours also and I want to be seen here."
Now again.. Since we do not have national health care insurance you and your insurance company are paying for all those people being seen in the ER. If we had national health care insurance you would not have to pay $150.00 a month for health care insurance. The company you work for would not have to pay $200.00 a month for you. They might pay $100.00 a month for you and give you an increase in pay.
Here is the good part buddy… If we do not get a national health care plan … It is only going to get worst. Your wait at the ER will be longer and you will have to pay more for health care insurance and your company will have to pay more for you. Then after that it will get worst because your company will not be willing to or able to pay those costs. They will do away with health care insurance or make you pay so much that you can not pay your other bills or the company you work for will have to cut the number of employees because of health care costs.
Listen to me and believe me YOU ARE PAYING RIGHT NOW for all those people that Rush says go to the ER and get "free" treatment. It is not free. You and I are paying for it. We have been paying for it for a long time.
Rush is a stupid fat mother fucker and does not know what he is talking about.
The Republicans are fucking you and they know what they are doing. They do not care about you.