I was born to soon… I think I wish I was a bit younger. A new company is ready to sell a sex robot. Roxxxy TrueCompanion could soon belong to me for only $7K.
That is much cheaper than a real woman.
I read about it at the CNN web site. I went to the Roxxy TrueCompanion web site but I could not see much… They have to much traffic at their web site… I think that tells you something.
They are going to sell a lot of their sex robots.
I do not have $7K so I will not be getting one. If I had $7K would I buy one? I don’t think so … I have never got any sort of sex toy in the past.
I would love to see Roxxxy in operation. I would love to try her out.
I wonder if 7,000 of us could each pay $1.00 and own one. We could share her. Smile
Well I changed my mind after seeing some photos on their web site. I think I will pass on Roxxxy. It looks like a dead person to me. I am not into sex with dead people.
A company should make a sex robot that you do not have sex with..That way the face/mouth would not look like it does… Just have the sex toy that talks to you and tells you how great you are and how them the sex toy loves you and how well hung you are… That is all I need. Smile