I have problems just doing my check book or my taxes. So I am no expert on anything having to do with money.
I also do not own a car. I am not saying that the price of a gallon of gas does not effect me however…We all are effected by the price of gas.
Now having said that… I do not understand Wall Street and stocks and bonds… So I do not know how much BP is worth or even who owns it.
Like all of you I have no idea of how much damage BP has done to the United States at this point. But they have done a LOT of damage.
Plus let me tell you that the terrorist will have taken note of this spill and the damage it is doing to the United States, and the world, and you can bet right now they are looking to see what they can do to attack these off shore oil sites.
My Republican friends friend tells me that we must have off shore drilling. He says “Drill, Baby, Drill” like all the other Republicans.
I do know that if we had listened to President Carter we would not have this problem today and we would not have to depend on middle east oil. In fact if we had listened to him I am not sure we would be using oil today. But the Republicans, oil corporations and big business, attacked President Carter and fucked him, and us, up the ass and did not use any oil when they did it.
So the Republicans and others say we HAVE to have that off shore drilling. We can not live without it. We have no choice. Republicans lie so I do not know if it is the truth or not.
If this nation MUST have that oil and MUST have off shore drilling then it is a NATIONAL INTEREST. It is a MILITARY NECESSITY.
Then I think the federal government should be in the oil business. We should be doing the drilling. We should be making the money from the drilling, from the oil. The profit would not be going to oil corporations. The profit would be going into the
U.S. treasury. If I am correct about how much money they make from oil then none of us would have to pay any taxes again.
But we already are going to own BP correct? Like I said I am not sure how much damage they have done to us or how much they are worth but we would not be starting from nothing. We are going to take over their business correct?
If we do not take over off shore oil drilling and everything that goes with that then how are we going to get re-paid for the damage done? How are we going to make sure we have the ability to prevent it from happening again? How are we going to protect those rigs from attack from terrorist?
I am thinking we take over the entire oil business and make it owned by the United States.
The only problem we would have then is that we would have to do something to see that we got away from using oil. If we took over oil and were making profits and it was going to pay for low gas prices per gallon ($2.00 a gallon?), pay for national defense, welfare and so we had no income tax then we would not want to stop using oil.
So would have to have some sort of policy to make sure we did not depend more on oil. I guess we could use the profits to go to solar power and other forms of energy.
What do you think?