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Saturday, July 31, 2010


Dick Williams

Not a song that gets much airplay but I well recall it from early TV and i guess AM radio back in the 50s / early 60s maybe. So I got a smile and chuckle out of it.

Spike Jones had a novelty band with off the wall songs and his crazy clothes. All that would seem nutty today but it was entertaining back in its day.

What prompted the Cigareets and Whiskey and Wild Wild Women post and clip?

Jim Howard

That is a song that has stuck with me over the years for some reason. When I was little I would put on the 78 and sing with it.
Later in life I would run into someone smoking someplace and might say to them "Cigareets & Whusky and Wild, Wild Woman" and I am sure they were thinking I was nuts.
Also a 78 "Taxi" I would dance to... I think the only word said during the music was the one word "Taxi" from time to time.
The things that stick with you in life...
I guess that is my "Rosebud!"

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