I do not hate Republicans. But I do hate people like this Fox News interviewer. His sort of person is just the sort of person I hate.
The poster of this video calls it "scattershot." My guess is because the Fox Interviewer is asking wild random and indiscriminate questions. He has no interest in the answer or trying to get the other persons point of view or discuss the issues.
He has decided that he will gain points by saying it is not fair for taxes to take 50% of what a person makes over $250K a year. Of course taxes do NOT take 50% and many rich people pay little to nothing in taxes. Even if they are paying taxes the tax rate in no way near 50%. (Back in the good old days that the Tea Baggers and the Republicans say they want to return to the tax rate was 90%.)
This piece of crap interviewer also make it clear that he thinks that someone making millions works harder than the working poor. That is a fucking lie. I have seen the working poor standing at a bus stop in below zero weather waiting for a bus to go to work at 4 or 5 AM. I have seen the working poor coming home after working 8, 10 or 12 hours and seen them dirty, tired and beat down by working in a job where they can not get ahead or even keep their heads above water.
They did not go to work in a limo with a driver. They did not take 2 hours for lunch at a club. They did not watch TV in their office and have drinks in their office. They did not try and get their dick in one of the girls working in their office.
The back bone of this nation is the working man and woman.
(The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers is my old union. I was a member for years. My father and mother were both members of the union.)