“Gov. Jan Brewer's plan to roll back state Medicaid coverage would leave thousands of Arizona's most mentally fragile without health care.
An estimated 5,200 people diagnosed with a serious mental illness and thousands more who qualify for other behavioral-health services would be among 280,000 childless adults losing health-care coverage under the governor's plan.
To mitigate the hit on the seriously mentally ill, Brewer wants to spend $10.3 million to prevent gaps in their psychiatric medication. They would lose coverage for all other medical care, including prescription drugs for physical ailments, as well as case management, transportation and housing they receive through the state's behavioral-health-care program…”
I know that states and cities have major budget problems because of President Bush and the Republican policies. In fact when President Bush was president I was saying that he might be trying to crash our system just so there would not be money for social programs. I said that many times before we had the big money crash.
But I could not bring myself to believe two things; (1) That he was that smart and (2) That he would be the sick and crazy. I am still not sure if he just fucked up or if it was a plan. If it was his plan then he fooled me and he was a hell of a lot smarter than I had him pegged for…because NOW Democrats and Republicans are looking making cuts in social programs and in Social Security, Medicare and Medicade.
I think Gov. Jan Brewer of AZ is dumber than Sarah Palin and that makes her very stupid. AZ could use a good Gov. right now and they got her.
Cutting medical care for mentally ill people does not save the state money.
They will end up going into mental hospitals and stay for weeks and weeks and that cost a lot of money. Some of them will end up in the “justice” system and will be arrested and go to jail and that cost a lot of money. Plus when a mental patient has an attack or does not take his medication more (brain) damage is done and they get worst which cost more money.
So AZ should see if they can come up with the money some how.
Maybe a tax on guns. A tax on gun shows.
She should try and think of something… OH ..I said “think” and I am not sure that the “dead bodies all over the desert” Gov. can think.
Or was it head less dead bodies all over the desert?
The budget cuts written about above have already occured. I live in Phoenix and have severally mentally & physically ill brother. He can barely walk. Cannot drive, take buses and doesn't have any support system to get to Dr appts. I am physically disabled and canot take him or afford taxi's. WE have no other family.
The mental-health medication he was on, AZ stopped paying for. It was an ani-psychotic that didn't increase blood sugar. He also has diabetes. There are no anti-psyotics that AZ will pay for that does not increase blood sugar. So his mental & physical medications (AZ contributes nothing to the medications for his physical health) are contra-indicated. No one cares. He has no way to get to Dr appts, no one cares. His physical health is deteroriating rapidly as he is on mental health medication that is endangering his health. But not taking anti-psyotics would mean him becoming homeless and probably dying quickly. He had tons (50-100 treatments)of shock therapy and other horrific treatments when in an institution in New York as a teen-ager. he was never violent, aggressive or dangerous in any way, These were all forced on him. Many people think that ened in the 50's or 60's. No he was getting forced shock treatments and "worse" I've been told, regularly in the 80's ass teen-ager. He was abused by our mental health care system in New York. The treatment he received there was so backwads and abusive it was barbiac.
Oddly Georgia was the state my brother received the best treatemnt and got a life back. Atlanta was light years ahead in the area of mental health care & treatment.
Then we made the mistake of moving to this God-Forsaken city (Phoenix)and it is literally killing him. I did not realize that there was such a difference in medical treatment from state to state. We don't live in the US. We live in the state we live in and are protected or abused by the laws of that state. So many people move here from other cities and like it until they need medical care of any kind. AZ literally has no consumer protection laws. After al the consumer is just a himan being and in AZ human beings don't count for much. Business and money are what is important here. And the reason the new idoit Gov is making the changes she is, is because that is what the people of AZ want. They want racist laws because AZ's are RACIST. And unless a member of their own family is mentally or physically disabled they do not care about anyone else. It is a loveless city.
That is the bottom line to the stupidity. There is no caring about other people. It's just coyote eat coyote here in Phoenix.
If you have a disability of any kind and need any type of assistance (or even if you don't), DO NOT move to Arizona.
He does not have a case worker, there is no half-way homes that he qualifies to live in. I have spent over 1,000 hours trying to get help for my brother.
Posted by: [email protected] | Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 18:19