“As I write to you, working families across Wisconsin are making an historic stand. Using the state's budget deficit as an excuse, the governor of Wisconsin and his allies in the legislature are attempting to strip workers of one of their most basic rights: the right to collectively bargain.
And Wisconsin is just the beginning. In many states across the country, legislation has been – or soon will be – introduced that would drastically curtail the rights of workers to negotiate wages and working conditions. But in order to stop these attacks, we need to show that thousands of people are willing to publicly stand in support of working families.
To help underscore why Saturday's rallies are so important, Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and President Mary Kay Henry of the Service Employee International Union joined Catholics United and some 400 people of faith on a conference call yesterday.
Bishop Zavala reminded us that the Catholic Church has long recognized the rights of workers but stressed that now is the time for us to stand with them in solidarity. And President Mary Kay Henry pointed out that the budget deficit in Wisconsin wasn’t caused by middle class workers. The crisis was caused by tax giveaways to corporations and the reckless actions of the financial industry.
Let's bring the voice of conscientious Catholics and people of faith to Saturday's events. If you make to one of the rallies, take photos and send us a report and we'll be sure to profile it on our blog, www.ourdailythread.org.
Chris, James and the rest of the Catholics United team”