“We all know that getting enough shut-eye is good for us, but now a new study suggests that getting too little sleep can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular disease that can result in early death.
Researchers found if you sleep less than six hours, or have disturbed sleep you have a 48% chance of developing or dying from heart disease, and a 15% chance of having or dying of a stroke. The study, published in the European Heart Journal, is a meta-analysis of 15 other sleep studies. A meta-anaylsis integrates a number of studies into one study. Researchers followed nearly 475,000 adults from eight countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Israel for seven to 25 years…” CNN
I even worked the midnight shift when I was a welder. I worked the midnight shift for KW Dart company when I was young. Thank God, they did away with the midnight shift and I was put on the 2nd shift.
Then when I got seniority (we were UAW members) I made it to the day shift.
When I worked hospital security I do not know how many midnight shifts that I worked…I have never counted it up.. I know I worked 11 years of the midnight shift just at Research Belton Hospital.
I think all midnight shift workers knew it was hard on us. It was hard on our personal life and it was hard on our health.
I said it then …. I said that midnight shift workers should be paid a lot more than people that worked the day shift. I am not taking about 10% more. I mean a lot more.
A day shift person would not agree with me…I would always say to them do you want to work midnights..and they would say no… I would take a amount of money and say would you work midnight shift for that …they would say no.. I would just keep increasing the amount until they would say “Hell YES” for that amount I would…Then I would day THAT is what a midnight shift worker should be paid.
My advice to young people try and not work the midnight shift. If you do … have regular hours.. sleep and eat as normal as you can.. take care of yourself because you are paying a big price for working midnights.