I did an 18 minute video for YouTube on nuclear power and on what is going on in Japan. Not a great video and not even a good one so you can skip it unless you got nothing else to do.
But I asked some questions in the video. I was wondering out loud how the American people feel about nuclear power and about having a nuclear power plant near them.
CNN has a story on Victoria, Texas and how they feel about a nuclear power plant coming to their small town. It would be a $16 billion dollar plant and would add 750 permanent jobs and 2,500 temporary construction jobs for the town of 87,000 and I think you can guess the feeling in the town. It looks like 53% of the people favor the plant and 23% oppose it.
A recent national USA Today/Gallup poll since the disaster, in Japan, has 47% of Americans opposed to building more nuclear plants and 44% in favor of building more plants.
One year ago support for nuclear power was at a new high of 62%. That poll was one month before the BP oil spill in the Gulf.
In my video I talk about Americans getting something if we let nuclear power go ahead. I think we should demand something. I think we should hold nuclear power hostage. We give them money, we given the tax breaks and we have to live with fear and if something does happen it will be real bad so I think they should kiss our ass to get their plants.
I think there should be a national insurance fund that they should have to put x amount of money into each year. The fund would draw interest and would only be used for people that are harmed by the effects of a nuclear accident of some sort. If there is no accident the fund should just build and build until it is needed someplace here in the United States.
I think that people that live within 10 miles of a new plant should get free power. People that live within 25 miles of a plant should get their power at half cost.
And I think we should think of other things to demand first. They should have to deal on our terms.
One thing they are going to want to do is cut corners (costs). We should demand that the plant is first class in safety. The plant should be designed so that robots can operate in the plant in the event of an accident. So large areas with tracks on the floor and walls so that robot equipment can move around to fix things. If their design calls for two back up systems we should demand three. Again I say if the nuclear power corporations want nuclear power than let them get down on their knees and kiss our ass.