“Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the Michigan pathologist who put assisted suicide on the world's medical ethics stage, died early Friday, according to a spokesman with Beaumont Hospital. He was 83.
The assisted-suicide advocate had been hospitalized in Michigan for pneumonia and a kidney-related ailment, his attorney Mayer Morganroth has said.
The music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Kevorkian's favorite musician, was put on the intercom so he could hear the music as he was dying, Morganroth said.
The 83-year-old former pathologist had struggled with kidney problems for years and had checked into a hospital earlier this month for similar problems, his lawyer, Mayer Morganroth, told CNN last month. He checked back into Beaumont Hospital in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak on May 18 after suffering a relapse, Morganroth said…” CNN
I was no fan of “doctor death” and I think his death came about 83 years to late.
This post was after he got out of prison for murder in 2007: Jack Kevorkian – “Doctor Death”
Here is another post 2007: University of Florida to give Jack Kevorkian $50K
Here is a post from 2006: Kevorkian and Red Buttons
My problem is not with the right of a sick and in pain person to ease their pain. My problem was with “doctor” Kevorkian. I think he had major mental problems and should not have been a doctor and I think he took some sick twisted joy in killing people. So my problem was with him.