The Star-Telegram has a story about “Fort Worth community garden is gaining growing recognition.”
I would like to see community gardens all over Fort Worth and in every large city in the United States. Sort of a nation return to our old farms from the “old” days.
It would help with food costs for people and it would be health for people to eat and good for their health to have them out working in a garden.
If I was to win some big massive lottery win that is one of the things I would use the money for… Try and get the community garden movement up and running all over the United States.
You know excess food grown could be given to organizations that feed the poor and homeless. You could get school children doing it for schools. Get their little asses out in the garden and away from the cell phones and video games for a bit.
I hope the community garden movement takes off big time. It sounds like it is off to a good start in Fort Worth. But I do not think it will be a success here until I see one down the street from where I live.