Glenn Beck did his last show on Fox News. I am sure they will have him back for specials from time to time to drag in some viewers.
But Glenn Beck is now on his web site and doing a two hour show each day. His website is
He will also have a webcam going of his radio show. I think he has been doing that in the past. He is going to charge $9.95 a month for the video for the radio show and some extras.
I think he is also going to beg for donations the way churches beg on TV.
He is going to have viewers but it is not going to be the same as when he was on TV. I think he will try to be even more crazy and wild and say and do things since he does not have to worry about Fox News management or the FCC.
But I do not think this is going to work well for him. But again he is going to have a base of people to go to his web site but there are a lot of people with web sites and not as many on TV.
What a dark day for yellow journalism everywhere!
Posted by: Argent009 | Friday, July 01, 2011 at 04:26
Just thought this would be interesting in this day. I went into my town hall to register to vote, circa early 1950's. Proud to be an American. Was asked. license please, read this paragraph in English, please, then sign your name. I did it alright, I get to vote. WAS THIS PROFILING>UNCONSTITIUTIONAL-I don't think so just patriotic+++++
Posted by: Barbara J. Maxner | Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 14:13