I blogged about “Palin’s movie opens to empty theater.” I have not seen the movie and I have no desire to see the movie and come on be honest who wants to go and see a movie about her that is an hour and a half PR video on her?
But the right wing (hate) blog www.redstate.com has the following:
“In fact, the Palin film is dazzling people by just how well a film of its type is doing with no traditional promotion. Even movies like The Passion of the Christ, which largely relied on alternative publicity mechanisms, still had a great deal of traditional promotion, studio support, and media buzz.
“The Undefeated” is different. In addition to being a political documentary, it is not backed by a studio, does not have major media buzz, and continues to sell out in showings around the country.
More impressive, there are continued reports of people who didn’t care for Palin or had no opinion of her (the few that remain) who came out impressed with her in the movie.
The movie is going to be expanding its presence around the country. It’ll be interesting to see just how much of a demand it can keep.”
I check out right wing blogs and sites from time to time. I need to keep an eye on the evil empire. I listened to Radio Moscow in the 50s and 60s to see what the USSR was saying.
It seems to me that the RedState site has the very same problems as Radio Moscow. They use hate terms for people, organizations and positions. They will lie about something that they do not need to even lie about so that when they do say something that might be true you tend to not believe it.
If any of you right wing supporters know of any right wing sites that tell your position but try and be truthful I would like to hear what site it is. [email protected]
My guess is that the Palin film will be seen by a lot of people but not in movie theaters. Fans will buy a copy and take it to church events and places like that and screen it. Then if she should decide to run, which I do not think she will do, they will pass it out as advertising for her.
“The Undefeated” is getting 1.5 starts out of 10 on The Internet Movie Database site.
Here are 16 movie reviews of The Undefeated. Of course fans of her are going to say that that movie critics are left wing Communist but for what it is worth you can read some movie reviews about her film.
- Village Voice [Ann Merlan]
- Orlando Sentinel [Roger Moore]
- The Daily Caller [Matt Lewis]
- Hot Air [Ed Morrissey]
- National Journal [Kathy Kiely]
- The Hill [Jordan Fabian]
- The Independent Critic [Richard Propes]
- Bloomberg.com [Julie Hirschfeld Davis]
- CBSNews.com [Jan Crawford]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Todd McCarthy]
- indieWIRE [Eric Kohn]
- National Review Online [Jim Geraghty]
- New York Post [Kyle Smith]
- Roll Call [Christina Bellantoni]
- Slate [David Weigel]
- Variety [Joe Leydon]