There are some things that you are not allowed to say … Well you can say the things but people are going to hate you. I am tired of hearing about 9/11.
I understand that Sunday it will be ten years but the TV channels have been almost non-stop with TV shows about it.
OK I understand about 9/11. I was watching it on TV. I understand that shock of the people that lost someone and the shock to the people of NYC that one day had those two towers in their skyline and the next day they were gone. I get it.
But on 9/11 2,985 people died. We have 40,000 plus people die each year in traffic accidents. There were 31,224 firearm deaths in the United States in 2007 and of that number 12,632 were homicides.
I do not live in New York. I did not know anyone that died in the 9/11 events in NY, DC and PA. I have had a cousin murdered by a handgun in Dallas (TX). I had a very good close friend, that I worked with, shot and killed in Kansas City. I knew another guy and had worked with him in the past and he was murdered by a handgun.
We have to do this ten year 9/11 event and we should never forget.
But can we keep a few things in perspective please?
Also let us all remember the service people that have died since 9/11 around the world and that are still dying now.
I agree whole heartdly with your comments. It was a tragedy, it was heartbreaking. I am sorry for someone who lost someone during the attacks, however, your loss is not any more important than my loss. People die everyday, we remember them and then move on.
Posted by: SwordMonkey | Friday, September 09, 2011 at 13:56
I totally agree with your statements, but it is not to the advantage of politicians to put things in perspective. The events have been rehashed all week long on every radio station with new stories of heroes and saviors. And while it would make people hate you to say that you are tired of hearing about it, I really can't voice this opinion because I am a Muslim girl and I really don't need anyone trying to accuse me of anything I'm not a part of.
Posted by: PHDseeker | Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 12:58
Jim, I don't know what happens to my posts here. I type and hit post and never see them. As a test I just tried preview and it flashed across the screen and vanished. Now there's nothing here to go ahead and click "post" on w/o retyping the entire comment. Guess I have to give up?
Posted by: Joe Taibi | Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 01:54
It's not in the interest of the military industrial complex (our chief economic force remaining other than the private prison industry) to clarify the events and let it go. That's why, rather than rebuilding the trade center as the newest, tallest structures in the world as a show of US Strength and resolve, they chose to immortalize what by all official accounts was the worst historical failure of our defense forces with a giant crater/waterfall instead. It keeps people sad and angry! So they'll keep wanting to fight whoever they're next told is against us and might do it again.
Posted by: Joe Taibi | Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 16:44
After the fall of the USSR people were saying that we would have money to do good useful things. The sort of things the Democrats love to do.
I said no the military industrial complex will come up with a new enemy that we have to spend money to fight and that we have to buy high tech stuff to fight them and I said there would be no money left over for social things. I was right.
When Bush had his first term I said the guy was stupid.
When he had his second term I was saying that maybe I was wrong and he was super smart because it looked to me like he was trying to bring our economy and cause a crash and that then that would put an end to our ability to take care of the things like Social Security and Medicare. God, I was right again.
We can not win.
I do not see any way it is going to improve.
I do not agree that both the Democrats AND the Republicans are the same. I see the Republicans has evil and very very bad men.
I see the Democrats as stupid, weak and bad men.
Great choice when we go to vote.
Posted by: Jim Howard | Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 17:51