“Texas Governor Rick Perry defended harsh words he's used to define his stance on Social Security in an interview with Time published online on Thursday.
"I don’t get particularly concerned that I need to back off from my factual statement that Social Security, as it is structured today, is broken," he said. "If you want to call it a Ponzi scheme, if you want to say it’s a criminal enterprise, if you just want to say it’s broken -- they all get to the same point."
The Republican presidential contender has taken heat from Democrats, rival presidential candidates and even Karl Rove for repeatedly characterizing Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme." After walking back his choice of words as they appear in his memoir, Perry stood by his criticism of the entitlement program during last week's GOP presidential debate.
"It is a monstrous lie," he said on stage at the Reagan Library. "It is a Ponzi scheme."
Mitt Romney shot back, "You can't say that to tens of millions of Americans who have lived on Social Security."..” Huffington Post
Social Security works. It has worked for 75 years and will work for the next 75 years unless people elect Rick Perry President of the United States.
Social Security is not broke.
What Rick Perry is saying is a lie. It is also stupid.
The American people know that Social Security works.
He can not be elected President of the United States saying that Social Security is “unconstitutional”, a “Poniz scheme” and “a criminal enterprise.”