It is 91 degrees right now here in Fort Worth (TX). It is 8 PM.
We may get some rain for the next few days. Any rain will be welcome. If we get rain I will get naked and run around outside in the rain. Yes, I will post the videos on YouTube.
OK OK.. I am not going out and get nude and make people sick from seeing a fat old man nude. Plus I do not want to be arrested.
But I am going to enjoy the rain, if we get it, and I may borrow my son’s water proof camera and go out and stand in the rain.
It has been so hot this summer and no rain… I hope we get some good rain.
I hope we get some cool weather for a few months.
Russell has been sick and he missed three days of work. He missed two days and then worked a day and then missed another day. They are going to have him work tomorrow which should have been his day off and that way he will end up only missing two days.