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Tuesday, November 15, 2011



I didn't think the worst thing about Perry's debate performance was the long memory lapse but the idea that he wanted to do away with the departments that deal with energy, education and trade. Seems we need all three and that the government will always have a role to play in those areas.

It's just a right wing applause line to say you'll start doing away with cabinet posts and other government functions. None of them will do any such thing and they know it -- that'll be sort of fun if the Republicans do get control of all three branches - watching them back peddle on a whole lot of their campaign talk. Anyway, Perry is down in single digits - Cain is headed there, looks now like Gingrich and Romney. I'm rootin' for Gingrich - but then I'll be voting Democratic and hope the Reps choose one of the least liked politicians in the country. One of the smartest also but fortunately one who'll shoot himself in the foot about once a month.

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