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Thursday, December 08, 2011



Harry was a friend of mine, but we hadn't spoken in a while, I think I last talked to him around Christmas of last year. He passed away from a bout of pneumonia, he as 96 years old. I was introduced to Harry and the rest of the M*A*S*H cast members by Larry Gelbart, who I got to know back in the pre-web days of the internet when he was active on the alt.tv.mash usenet newsgroup and had some technical problems and I was able to help him. Harry and Loretta Switt were the only cast members I kept in touch with. He was a true gentleman with a very warm soul. I'll miss him.

Jim Howard

I did not know him. But I saw him a few times on those shows were they talk to actor and they talk about shows there are on are were on and I just remember thinking that he sounded like a real normal guy.
I sort of felt like he was a guy like Harry Truman or the way we think of Garry Cooper.
Well we can see Harry on TV just about any night of the week. He left behind some great work.

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