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Sunday, December 25, 2011



You're always welcome to come back to the Miami area. I'll save a chair for you at Haulover Beach. Leave your bathing suit at home

Jim Howard

Sounds good. I would be happy to just live in a one room studio close to Haulover Beach. I would walk over and eat at Haulover Beach.
Not sure I can make it. It cost so much to move.
I will have to win a lottery.
I am broke for the next couple of days but when I get my SS money this time I am going to buy 25 $2 scratch off tickets. If you win you get $1K a week ($52K a year) for 20 years.
If I won I would move and rent a place on the beach someplace in FL. If I got a place in the Keys you could leave your swim suit at home and come and visit me.

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