It looks like the Republican House is going to say no to the payroll tax deal. They love the tax break for the rich but they do not want the tax break for working people.
It seems crazy and it seems like a stand that is going to piss off all the working people.
I think the House Republicans know, in their hearts, that giving the rich money does not help the economy. But they have seen that the tax break that the working have had does help the economy. You put $1000.00 or $1500.00 into the hands of Dick and Jane and they spend it and that helps the economy.
For years we been pouring in money to the rich and they never create jobs. Giving money to the rich does not create jobs. It is lie to say that it does. Putting money into the hands of the working poor and the middle class does help create jobs.
The Republicans want to defeat President Obama. That is all they want. If it means hurting the economy then they do not care. If it means hurting the American people they do not care.
The Republicans had a deal on the tax cut. Another one of those deals were they get everything they want and the Democrats kiss their ass and get nothing extra in the “deal.”
The Republicans got the Keystone Pipeline deal in the bill. Plus they got some other stuff they wanted.
Why not just have an up and done vote just on the tax cut for working people? Then have a vote on the Keystone Pipeline with nothing else in the pop.
What the Democrats need to do and never do is have a list of thing that they want. So the Republicans want the Keystone Pipeline deal how about the Democrats say OK but we want the following.
What would I like to see. I would like to see the tax break given to the super rich done away with but that is not going to happen.
I would like to see a tax on super rich. I would like to see a tax on corporations that do not create jobs. I would like to see a tax on corporations that send jobs to other nations. I would like to see a 10% tax on super packs. I am not sure that organizations like; AARP, NRA, unions and other are “super packs” but how about a 5% tax on lobbying money that they spend.
I am not just a tax and spent person. I would love to see cuts in spending and deep cuts. But not across the board. Not cuts that are going to cause a mother to shoot her two children in the head and kill them because she can not feed them.