God bless their evil little hearts. The Republicans, and all of us, have been reporting the unemployment rate of 9.0%. The Republicans have not been doing anything to try and get the rate down. They want it at 9% so they can get President Obama’s black ass out of the White House.
But the unemployment numbers dropped from 9.0$ to 8.6% and it is breaking their fucking little hearts. They are moaning and crying that the rate went down.
Do not get me wrong 8.6% is still a rate we want to get down. But the Republicans want to win an election and they do not care about America or the American people. They want the rate at 9% so they can hammer the Communist Obama and get him out of the White House.
So the evil empire (the Republican Party) is trying to spin the new jobs report as not correct or not real or somehow it does not mean anything.
When it was 9% they loved it and it was correct.
Republicans are praying that this drop in numbers is just seasonal work (Christmas workers) and hope that in January they get their high numbers back. They want the American workers suffering. They want to smash and break America and all of us so they can win an election.