Well not sure how long before we lose Internet service but right now it is back.
As you can see from the speed test I just did the service is working great and it is fast.
I was a full of Christmas cheer and so happy to have the Internet back and have it working fast and then I just got this comment left on YouTube:
“eeyoresic6sic has made a comment on Internet Problems - Charter Cable - My Story:
Charter gets such bad reviews because the customers are fucking idiots. You are case and point. You can't use shit ass cable and then run it across your floor where you are walking all over it and crushing it. It jacks up the return, ergo causing your precious internet to fall off line. Use some common sense and STFU. I hope you got charged the $35 for being a jackoff”
Of course this was NOT for the current Internet problem. This was about some problems we had in the past and I did a YouTube video about it.
Truth is that for the last few months or last year or so I been getting great comments on YouTube and all the people are being very nice.
Here is a comment that was just left on YouTube:
“banker6 has made a comment on Merry Christmas to all:
Jim, you said you're looking for new video ideas, right? I'd like to see you do a series on your favorite foods...what you buy, where you buy it, why you like it.....stuff like that. You've had some food featured in a few of your videos (a frozen fish dinner, a sonic order, your Coke, Christmas nuts), but you should go deeper on you food choices. Maybe a pantry tour? How about grocery cart tour.....what goes in the cart and why. What brands do you prefer and why? Your sidewinder keyboard rev”