Russell was not happy when I told him that I was going to looking to making changes to the cable service and that we might end up not having 30 M down but end up with 15 M down.
He went to their web site and then found out that they now offer 100 M down and 5 M up service. He wants to know if we could get that in the Charter bundle.
I have not called Charter yet. If I am going to take their phone service I need a phone. We do not have a phone. I use Skype for our phone service.
I sort of hate to call them. Two reasons that I hate to call. One is that I know I will have to pay for a service call out here because I will be getting their phone service. The other reason is they send out offers with a “promo code” printed on it. This promo code is 515671. Every time I have called with their promo code the person on the phone knows nothing about the code. Now you can get a deal with the person on the phone it just does no good to tell them about the offer.
I think I need to take this offer. Other wise my cable bill is going to go up to $163.09 and I will have a hell of lot less than what they are offering for with this special of $154.97 a month.
One thing I always forget however is that the price they give you is without taxes. It is the same with the cell phone people. The taxes and special charges add up fast.
I do not need 100 M down speed. But I want it. It may have something to do with starting out with 300 baud speed and then moving up to 1200 baud etc.
It is built into my DNA to more more speed.