I checked out MegaUpload a year or two ago for some reason. I think I had a large file that I wanted to send to someone and it would not fit via eMail. So I used MegaUpload. So I looked around their sites.
I saw that you could download movies. Some of the movies were just out in the theaters right then. But everything I saw about how the site operated sent warnings to me. They had the feel of not being honest and being a hacker site. I felt that you could not use their site for long without getting a virus or something worst on your computer. I never went back to them. I forgot about them.
Well they got taken off line and all of their sites were taken off line.
“Megaupload is an online Hong Kong–based company established in 2005 that ran a one-click hosting online service of the same name, along with its sister services. The site was shut down by the U.S. Justice Department on January 19, 2012 during an investigation into alleged copyright infringement,[3][2][4][5] leading to what activist group Anonymous calls "the single largest Internet attack in its history"…”
Well yesterday Russ came into my room and was upset and mad. I said what is wrong and he said they shut down MegaUpload. I did not know he knew about the site or used them.
Here is Boogie2988 from YouTube and what he has to say about the MegaUpload shut down.
I think MegaUpload needed to be taken down. I know Russ will not agree with me and I know that many of you will not agree with me. I could tell from a very little bit of time looking at MegaUpload that they were dirty. In fact after I looked at their site I made a special point to do a complete virus scan. I never make a special effort to run it I let it do it in the background. But after looking at that site I ran it special.