The CNN Religion blog has the “7 reasons Catholics leave church.”
“By Dan Merica, CNN
Washington (CNN) – Even though Roman Catholics are the second-largest religious group in the United States, the tradition has seen an exodus of members in recent decades. One in ten Americans is an ex-Catholic.
If ex-Catholics were counted as their own religious group, they would be the third-largest denomination in the United States, after Catholics and Baptists, according to the National Catholic Reporter.
If it weren’t for the infusion of Catholic immigrants, especially from Latin American, the American Catholic Church would be shrinking pretty fast…”
I just gave up on the Catholic Church after 70 years of being a Catholic.
The 7 reasons that the blog post gives is:
1. The sex abuse crisis - I was a little hurt that I never had a priest hit on me.
2. The church’s stance on homosexuality - I just never paid any attention to their stand.
3. Dissatisfaction with the priest - I never expected that much from them.
4. Uninspiring homilies on Sundays – I never went that often or listened.
5. Perception that church hierarchy is too closely tied to conservative politics – My reason
6. Church’s stance toward divorced and remarried Catholics - Again never cared.
7. The status of women - Never a reason for me.
Now Catholics would say.. that I never was a good Catholic and they are better off without me. That might be true.
The truth is I would have stayed in the Church and called myself a Catholic if it was just the hierarchy being Republican. It was that they did not care that priests had raped little boys but they did take a stand on politics and they would stand up to the President of the United States over the use of a condom or birth control access but they would not stand up to their fellow priests that using or not using condoms and were using the bottoms or the mouths of little boys.
American churches want to control our politics. If they want to tell us who to vote for and what sort of nation we should have then they should pay taxes.
Thank you for sharing this article & your stance on the issues.
Ive been a Catholic for 38 years (since birth) & have been struggling with some of these same issues for a few years.
Posted by: Leah Anderson | Wednesday, April 04, 2012 at 14:26