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Thursday, March 22, 2012



Eugene Robinson?
Capehart was right on! I'm hoping to find a video of it. I think he's pretty strong, actually.
Not a huge Rev. Al fan (I'll take Rev. Al Green.), but criitics of his take on politics and race should consider falling short of the term racist, I think. It both simplifies and overstates his problems. (Gas on the fire, also.)
Old white guy, here.

Jim Howard

Capehart is so soft spoken and easy going I may not pay the attention the way I should. You know sometimes how you listen to the loud person talking all the time. I will pay more attention to Capehart.
Dam..If I had recorded the show on my DVR I could have pulled out Capehart's comments and then saved it and uploaded it to YouTube.
I was not thinking..Well I did not know he was going to make such a clear and moving statement.
I did record on DVR the show each day. But then I got tired of seeing the "Rev" Al Sharpton.
You are 100% correct I should not call him a racist (he is). I can make all the points I want to make about him and issues but when I call him a racist that is the only thing others hear and they attack me and do not listen to anything I say.
So I should not call him that.. But I fucking hate the guy so much.
I will try and take your advice but not sure I can do it. I think my computer is set up if I type Al Sharpton it adds the word "racist" to his name. Smile
It also drives me crazy that blacks will say something to the effect that blacks can not be "racist." They will say that you have to be in power or control or something to be racist. I never could understand that.

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