The right wing site RedState dot com is a hate site. As I have said before they lie and they attack everything that is decent. They never say working man or working woman. They always say something like thug or goon or something like that.
I am always surprised at just how low down and dirty they can get.
I saw a post on their site “Scapegoating Zimmerman.” I wanted to see what their position would be on that issue.
But the first half of the post is an attack on President Obama. It attacks President Obama saying he should have done something to “lead to calm or pacification.”
Then they say that President Obama attempted to make money off the death of Trayvon Martin.
Get this… Some campaign site sells Obama hoodies, along with mugs and hats and everything else in the world, and they say he is trying to make money off of the death of Trayvon. What low life scum are the people at RedState dot com.
I am not even going to waste my time but I bet every site online sells hoodies along with everything else they sell; t-shirts, hats, mugs, mouse pads and on and on and on… I bet the RedState sells hoodies or did. I bet the Fox “news” site sells hoodies or did …
Shame on any of you that go to RedState dot com.
It is a lost cause for me. I got 552 visitors to the blog so far today. The RedState site got 96,697 visitors to the site so far today. Hate works in the United States.
But people spend 1 minute when they visit ShowMeBlog (average) and they spend 11 seconds when they visit the RedState site.