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Tuesday, March 13, 2012



Just one more thing, Jim. Here's a clip from the Associated Press in October:

"Almost 1,600 people applying for welfare benefits in Florida have declined to undergo drug testing, which is required by a new state law. According to state officials, less than one percent of the 7,028 welfare applicants who underwent screening tested positive for drugs since the law went into effect in July.

"Since so many applicants refused to take a drug test, it is difficult to draw conclusions from these findings, according to the Associated Press. A majority of positive drug tests were for marijuana."

It may be that the folks who do drugs are staying away. This would skew the positive percentage downward. Because the law was temporarily halted by a Federal Judge I don't think there is enough information available to measure its impact.

PS: I do not support the testing law. I'm just watching with interest.

Jim Howard

One thing is that people had to pay upfront for the drug testing and then if they passed they got their money back. I bet a large number of the 1,600 could not afford to pay for the drug testing.
Good point on those who did test positive being for marijuana and I wonder if some of that could have been second hand smoke.
I did not know the law had been halted by a Federal Judge.
Thanks for helping with the post.

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