We are going to get some storms today in Texas. I love rain storms.
I do not like the damage that electrical or lightning storms can do to computer or radio equipment.
I like making videos of rain storms. I do not have a weather proof camera so I worry about my camera. My son, he lives next door, has a water proof camera but last time the battery was not charged up.
I have never had any fear about storms. I know that it is not because I am brave. I just have not been in a tornado. I am sure if I have one hit where I am that after that I will be scared. Easy to be brave if you have not seen one.
When I was working I did worry about flash flooding. I do not know how to swim. I do have some sort of fear of water. Get my head under water and I panic. When the kids were little I would go to the pool with them. I would stand in the baby end of the poor. If I had to put my head under the rope, and under water for a second, I would come up with a wild look of fear on my face and people would look at me.
I am not sure why I have that fear of not breathing. I can remember my mother and the fat land lady sitting on me and covering my face to try and force to me to shallow a pill. They never got me to shallow any pills that way. In fact it is just recently that I got so I could shallow a pill. I do not think sitting on a kid is way to get a kid to swallow a pill (Here is a video on how to get kids to swallow pills).
When I was working at the hospital in Orlando (FL) I would be outside walking around in the rain and it would be lightning. (We had a golf cart but I walked around much of the time.) Hospital staff would call me over and say you should not be out in the lightning.
I have been in a Microburst. That was May 26th of 1996 I was working hospital security in Lee’s Summit (MO). I had never seen rain going sideways before or since. I told the house supervisor that we need to go into our storm warning plan right now. She told me to call the police/fire department and ask them. I told her “NO, we need to go into Code Gray right now.” She said OK and I had the PBX announce it and then the microburst hit. I had never heard of a “microburst” until that time.
I am 70 years old. I been a weather observer for civil defense (back in the late 50s) and a member of the ham Skywarn program for years. I have never seen a tornado. I hope I never do see one.