All across the United States there is joy in the red states. The conservatives smell victory. They think there is blood in the water.
The United States Supreme Court is having hearings on the health care reform law.
The conservatives want the law dead. They hate every letter and line and page of the health care law. They hate it so much they call it Obamacare. They want it dead.
The part they hate the most is the “individual mandate.”
The evil empire (the Republican Party) could not beat the law in Congress. They did everything they could to beat it. They did not vote for it. It was a law passed by the Democrats. President Obama signed the law.
Now with hearing before the SCOTUS they hope to kill the law in the court. They hope that SCOTUS will rule that the individual mandate is unconstitutional.
The SCOTUS had two days of hearings. Yesterday the right loved what they heard and they are jumping with joy today. There will be a hearing today and then the Supreme Court will meet and discuss the law.
Soon the right hopes they can rub the President’s face in the hated law. They want to bring down the President of the United States.
The libertarians, the tea party movement and the evil empire are so excited. They are hanging on every question asked by the Justices at the SCOTUS. They like what they hear.
There right wing activist judges gave them a election one time and they hope they can depend on the right wing judicial activism this time to bring down the health care law and slap the President of the United States in his face.
They think their right wing judges can give them what they want.. They want defeat for President Obama. They want no health care law. They have hated Medicare and Social Security since day one and they sure as hell do not want health care for the American people.
The evil empire is looking at the SCOTUS to make their day.
The evil empire is worrying about the vote of Justice Kennedy. The RedState right wing hate site says:
“All of this, however, overshadows a more important issue — how the hell did a constitutional, democratic republic come to depend on the whims of one man in a black robe who nobody ever elected to anything?”