“(CNN) -- Florida's governor will announce Thursday morning who will be part of a task force that will look at the state's gun laws in the aftermath of the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.
In March, as outrage was growing about the shooting, Gov. Rick Scott said that Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll would lead the task force but he would also take time to choose some of the other members…”
Well so the person that heads the task force is Jennifer Carroll. She is a “Life Member” of the NRA. She is also black and a life member of the NAACP.
I wonder which is going to have more effect on this task force her race or her NRA membership. I think her NRA membership.
Her bio on the state site as Lt. Gov. does not list her life membership in the NRA. It is her old bio when she was a FL legislator.
Her bio on the state site as Lt. Gov looks very impressive.
But the main point right now is that the NRA is the organization that got the “Stand Your Ground” law and other pro gun laws passed in FL.
The governor has set up a task force to look into the laws and so far one person has been picked. Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll a life member of the NRA.
How many other NRA members do you think will be on the task force?