“After catching the Secret Service's attention with some inflammatory remarks about President Barack Obama, Ted Nugent has been removed from a concert lineup at a prominent military base…” The Huffington Post
“SEATTLE -- Just when they thought Ted Nugent didn’t have any more arrows to unleash, it turns out he did: specifically, an arrow aimed at a bear during a hunting trip in southeastern Alaska that has now landed the rocker-turned-outdoorsman in federal court.
In a plea agreement filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, Nugent will plead guilty to one count of transporting an illegally hunted bear — an offense that could result in a $10,000 fine…”
Does not look like bad boy Ted Nugent is having a good week.
For the Alaska crime, a federal crime, he will be on probation for two years. Plus will have to pay a $10K fine plus do some other things.
Bad boy … bad boy.. what you going to do when they come for you?