“(CNN) -- Steps were being taken to guard against a new threat of "body bombs" planted inside passengers aboard flights heading to the United States from overseas, a government official with knowledge of the threat said Tuesday.
Authorities have increased aviation security, especially on air carriers heading to the United States from the United Kingdom, other parts of Europe and the Middle East in the days surrounding the one-year anniversary of the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said the official, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the information and to protect the specifics of how the risk came to light…”
A lot of people give TSA hell over security steps taken at airports. They object to the scanners and pat downs. Part of it is politics. The Republicans hate government employees and they do not want any jobs with well paid employees and sure as hell not employees that are in a union.
If there is a threat from al Qaeda putting bombs inside people and then getting them on a U. S. flight just think about the steps that TSA will have to take to counter that threat.
What will they do?
They could do full body X-rays of everyone.
They could put the person in a bomb box of some sort and then blast them with signals that will set off any bomb.
I am glad that I do not fly.
I feel sorry for people that do fly.
We need a national ID card. One that is 110% secure. We could then could not worry about those people. Then we could turn our attention to all the real risks.