“Published on Jul 20, 2012 by oldfartrants
We spend billions of dollars to fight the virtually non-existent threat of terrorism, but we do nothing to pass sane, sensible gun control laws because of the NRA and paranoid 2nd Amendment freaks. Thanks to the NRA, there are more guns in the United States than there are people - no wonder we have the highest number of deaths per year from guns in the world. And thanks to the NRA we have laws in some states which allow you to shoot first and ask questions later. And thanks to the NRA who deliberately feeds the paranoid fantasies of people who are convinced that the government is coming to take their guns away while simultaneously lining the pockets of politicians to make sure that gun laws stay as lax as possible, it's easier to buy a gun in some states than it is to vote! Anyone who feels it's "patriotic" to support the war on terror, but doesn't support laws that make it harder for irresponsible, and even mentally ill people, to buy guns is supporting domestic terrorism. As far as I'm concerned YOU are the enemy because you pose more of a threat to me than Al Queda does. No American citizen really needs an assault rifle or a pistol with a 30 round clip. And if you think YOU do because you think the government is out to get you, you're not only paranoid, you're an idiot. There's no amount of weaponry you can buy that's going to keep them from taking you out if they really want to. Whether you like it or not, the majority of Americans want better gun control laws - and if you're really that worried about the government taking your guns away, maybe you should move to another country like Yemen, where you'll have lots of opportunities to actually use your guns against people who really are trying to kill you.”