Last few days I been having more pain from my gallstones. I have not had a lot of problems from the gallstones. Just very mild pain in that area.
I did a post “Foods to avoid with gallstones.” I eat all the wrong foods and I have not been paying any attention to that list of foods to avoid. I think I am starting to pay the price.
From that post here are the foods I should be eating:
“Foods to Choose
A diet high in fiber-rich foods is one of the best ways to prevent gallstones or a painful attack. Among the best choices are: fresh fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli, spinach, carrots, beets, apples, lemons and watermelon; low-fat, low-cholesterol proteins such as turkey, chicken and fresh fish, and foods with high levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium, including baked potatoes, brown rice, yogurt and soaked or sprouted grains…”
Read more: Foods to Avoid With Gallstones | eHow.com
I am going to try and do better. I do not want gallstone pain.
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