Steam has Tropico 4 for free this weekend. I been playing it for a few minutes. I did the Sandbox mode.
I picked Castro to be me.
I feel right at home playing it. I remember before Castro took power. I remember when he took power. I remember when he came to the United States and Ike and the Republicans refused to talk to him or even see him.
The Republicans told him he was a dirty Communist pig and to get the hell out of the United States.
After a week or two here he went back to Cuba and Moscow told him he was a great hero and would give him anything he wanted.
After a while Castro announced that he was a Communist and that the United States was the enemy and the USSR was Cuba’s friend.
I remember the Bay of Pigs. I remember Radio Havana Cuba. I even remember Radio Free Dixie and Radio Swan.
I remember it all.
I will play some more of Tropico 4 tomorrow and see if I can change history.
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